Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Kindergarten in Binder soum, Khentii aimag Posted by Picasa


Lisa said...

Cute picture! The classroom looks really bright and cheery - a happy place.

Julia said...

It was a beautiful place and the kids seemed really happy - we got there just before they had morning tea and a nap. but this is an exception - this was a brand new kindergarten (i think it was sponsored by "save the children" org) and the kids who were lucky enough to come here had to be chosen. not all the kids in the small town and surrounding area have the privilge. We also visited a school in this area and the classrooms were seriously crowded and crumbly and didn't look very nice at all. Its a pretty tough life in Mongolia, but there are a lot of positive community projects happening. like this one!

Julia said...

by the way, i really appreciate your comments. its nice to know that someone is having a look in on my blog!

Anonymous said...

Your site has become a favorite of ours, and we visit it daily. We are the Viscountess' parents and found you as a link from her site. Your photos and written descriptions are VERY well done. Thanks!

Lisa said...

We are watching out for you, albeit virtually!!!